How to Dispose of a Dead Rat?

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Spotting a dead rat is the most frustrating thing for many homeowners in the UK. It is a bigger nuisance than other dead animals that you usually find in your home garden. Rats are already carriers of various pathogens and present a serious risk of bacteria and dangerous diseases. 

A dead rat can significantly affect the indoor air quality and can health complications. If you fail to remove the dead rat properly, you are at risk of getting harmful diseases, such as leptospirosis, Hantavirus, and tularaemia. Here are the steps to dispose of a dead rat. 

Ensure Your Safety 

Experts recommend prioritising your safety before contacting the dead rat. Wear a high-quality HEPA-based respirator and strong disposable latex gloves to handle the dead rat safely. Before touching the dead rat, make sure you get the equipment ready. 

We recommend having at least three bags and cleaning tools. Spray the area using a strong anti-bacterial spray or use bleach straight after picking the corpse. Bear in mind that bleaching the site will also keep other rats away. 

Place the Dead Rat in the Bag 

Place the dead rat in one bag and then put that bag into another bag. Although it is enough, you can use a third bag for additional safety. Use strong and eco-friendly bags that will decompose after some time. 

Place in Rubbish Bin or bury it 

Most local councils in the UK allow you to throw dead rats out with the rubbish. However, you have to double-bag them. If your local council allows, put the bag in your regular trash but make sure that your family pets like dogs or cats cannot access it. It is crucial to check your local council’s regulations before throwing the bags away. 

You can also bury a dead rat in your garden. UK laws permit to bury dead rats and animals in the garden, except for livestock and horses. When burying the dead rat, make sure you dig a 2-3 feet deep grave. 

Place the corpse in the grave and then place a layer of rock above it to prevent scavengers from unearthing it. Your local council authority can guide you on incinerating the dead rat, but make sure you don’t burn the corpse yourself. 

Call the council so that they send a professional to get the job done. 

Clean the Area 

After disposing of the dead rat, deep cleanse the area where you found the corpse. You must also clean other places where you have observed rat activity. Experts recommend using bleach, white vinegar and water mixture, and anti-bacterial agents. 

Don’t forget to wear a respirator and gloves. Bag up all the equipment you used for disposal of the dead rat. Throw the equipment in the rubbish bin. Wash your hands with soap and water or sanitise them using an alcohol-based sanitiser. 

Final Words

Dead rats are associated with many health risks and complications. Research shows that rats can spread over 35 diseases. These diseases usually spread to humans when they handle dead rats, contact their urine, faeces, or saliva. 

Follow the steps given above to dispose of dead rats adequately and safely. Always wash your hands with anti-microbial soap and water after throwing the bag in the rubbish bin or burying the corpse to protect yourself from getting infected with viruses. 

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