How to Dispose of Nappies UK

How to Dispose of Nappies UK

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Throwing dirty nappies into the rubbish bin can threaten sanitation workers’ health because they often contact the waste matter. According to the UK’s Environmental Agency (EA), microorganisms from faecal matter enter the groundwater and cause significant contamination if people fail to dispose of waste matter correctly. 

The human excrement contains over 100 microorganisms, including bacteria and viruses. These microbes can live for a long time outside the human body. The human faecal matter has polio, norovirus, salmonella, E. coli, hepatitis, and gastrointestinal viruses. That’s why it is crucial to dispose of nappies correctly to protect people’s health and maintain environmental wellbeing. Read on! 

Flush the Nappy Faecal Matter down the Toilet 

Public sewage or private septic system is the safest place for faecal matter processing. It is the place where the waste material does not come in contact with the public. The problem is that most people in the UK don’t do that, and instead, they wrap up nappies and throw them in the rubbish bins. 

Although most moms skip this step, faecal matter from the nappy must not end up in landfills. Irrespective of the disposal method you choose, it is crucial to get rid of the faecal matter and rinse the nappy before tossing it in the rubbish bin. Wrap up the nappy into a tight ball to secure the residual waste. Roll the nappy’s front into itself toward the back. Secure the nappy back around the front by wrapping the tabs. 

Place the Nappy in a Sealed Container  

After securing the nappy, place it in a sealed container to trap the foul odours. That way, you can keep the indoor space environment odour-free and fresh. There are various ways to place the nappy in a sealed container. 

For instance, you can use a Ziploc bag to trap smells. Use a quart-sized Ziploc bag if you have an infant. However, if your young one wears larger nappies, you have to switch to gallon-sized bags. Although it will cost you some money, it is a convenient and reliable method, especially when you are not at home or travelling. 

Although some local councils offer brown paper bags, you can use plastic grocery bags as a nappy disposal tool. Place the dirty nappy in the grocery bag and twist it to trap the odour. Make sure you turn the bag’s ends inside-out and twist it again. That way, you can tie the bag accurately. 

Once done, your nappy is now double-wrapped and ready for disposal. If you want to follow a more eco-friendly approach, you can use brown paper bags. Fold the brown bag tightly over the used nappy to neutralize or trap the smell. 

Dispose of the Sealed Container 

After you have safely sealed the nappy, decide whether to keep or toss it in the rubbish bin. Throw the sealed bag away if you are at home. On the other hand, if you are not at home, respect the general public’s sensitivity to foul odours. The best way is to tuck the nappy in the bag and toss it at home. 

Some places where you can toss away dirty nappies are your home, your friend’s outdoor rubbish bin, a public washroom, a park garbage can, etc. Avoid throwing your dirty nappies in a friend’s kitchen or bathroom, a health provider’s office, and small or enclosed spaces.

Wash your Hands Thoroughly 

Bear in mind that faecal matter can harbour microorganisms, even if you don’t see any visible waste matter on your hands. Use warm water and soap to wash your hands thoroughly. If you are travelling and don’t have soap and water available, make sure you use hand sanitizer to clean your hands and get rid of germs. 

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