How To Dispose of the Old Router

How To Dispose of Old Routers?

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All electronic devices are made of chemicals, such as mercury, lead, cadmium, and beryllium. Disposing of older router improperly will increase chances of soil contamination, air and water pollution, which can harm the ecosystem. 

There are various ways to dispose of your older router or recycle it. Some people prefer disposing of the old router, whereas others recycle it to protect the environment. In today’s article, we will talk about old router disposal and recycling. Read on! 

Contact a Local Recycling Centre 

The best way to get rid of your old router is by contacting a recycling centre in your local area. You can ask a friend or a relative about a recycling centre that accepts electronic devices like an old router. 

You can also search the internet to find local recycling centres and explore their official websites to know recycling rules. Once found, you can simply get rid of the router by taking it to the centre. Remember, some recycling centres will charge you for that. 

Donate Your Old Router 

Old routers that you no longer need can be donated to not-for-profit organisations as they may be useful to them. An NGO, children welfare organisations, or students can use your older router if it is in good working order. 

There are many businesses and organisations in the UK that offer electronic donation programs. Search the internet to find an organisation in your local area that accepts such donations. It is wise to donate your old router than throwing it away in the garbage. 

Use it as a Guest WiFi or Network Switch 

If your new router has no built-in secure guest mode, you can use the old router to allow your guests to access the internet. The purpose is to protect your home network and sensitive data while allowing your guests to access the internet without a password. 

Besides, if you have multiple devices at home that need Ethernet connections, you can use your older router for this purpose. That way, you can avoid buying a new network switch and save some money. 

Sell Your Router to a Trade-in Company 

Most trade-in companies in the UK tend to offer a reasonable price for a fully functional old router. Some companies even buy damaged routers that meet certain criteria. Although you will receive a lower price, it is still better than throwing away your router that will eventually end up in the landfill. 

If your router is cracked and beyond repair, you can still earn money from it. The reason is that most companies refurbish old routers or break them down into small components to sell them individually. 

On the other hand, if your old router is not worth refurbishing, some companies will dispose of it in an eco-friendly way. Make sure you choose a licensed waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) company to get rid of your old router. 

Final Words 

Because electronic items, such as computers, cell phones, and old routers contain hazardous chemicals, the UK government recommends reusing or recycling them. Instead of disposing of your older router, it is wise to reuse it. You can contact a local recycling centre to find out whether they accept old routers. 

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